Saturday, March 1, 2014

Tough Choices

The life of a teenager isn’t easy. Between high school drama and “nagging” parents, it can get pretty crazy. That’s why it’s so beneficial to take a step back and enjoy the time you have by making good choices. Instead of fighting with your friends about stupid things that won’t even matter after graduation, or getting into bad stuff (like drugs,) think about what will help your future. Now don’t get me wrong, you shouldn’t sit at home worrying about the future. But you should make wise choices for it.

Here are a few things to consider while making tough decisions:
Is it helpful?

Yeah, some people may argue drugs won’t hurt you (don’t believe them) but will they help you? No, in the beginning they may seem to mask the pain but trust me they’ll make you nuts and ruin your life. That is the same with many other things, such as cheating in school, relationships where the person isn’t treating you right, and procrastinating. All may seem harmless in the beginning but they are never helpful.
Would my parents approve?

Ask yourself this, or just ask them. Not all decisions need guidance, like ordering a pizza for yourself. But parents have been teens before, and know a lot more than you! Parents tend to appreciate this and seeing how mature you can be might surprise them.
Does this choice affect others?
Bad choices can often radiate to other people. We’ve all been in a situation where someone got hurt or broke something while doing something sweet, and now no one is allowed to do it. Don’t be the person who ruins it for others. Choices can also affect others by directly harming them physically or emotionally. It’s probably best if you avoid doing that too.
Making good choices may not always be fun right off the bat, but they’ll help you eventually. Let us know if these help you or if you have anything that always seems to help.

1 comment:

  1. I always run into trouble when I think short-sightedly, doing what pleases me even if I know it might be hurting someone else. I ignore my guilty feelings. Regret and fractured relationships always result. Why do I do that? (rhetorical)
