Have you ever been in a vehicle with the driver going a little too fast and it feels very freaky? Not too far from our house there was a two car accident killing 3 people. A teenager got off to the right side of the road. She over corrected swinging her vehicle into the middle of the road going left of center hitting head on into a car with a family of four. The accident killed the father, the two year old son and the teenager that was driving the other vehicle. Driving is a big responsibility and needs to be taken seriously. Since I am planning on getting my license soon, it really makes me think about my responsibility as a driver.
We live on a country road and like to take bike rides. One day after school we were outside. Three cars pulled up in front of our house. One pulled down into the ditch, got out of his vehicle and waited while the other two lined up to race. As one teen waved at them to go, the racers took off at a high speed side by side down the road. What could have happened if my younger siblings were out riding their bikes that day? We need to understand that our choices may have life-long consequences. It would be awful living with the fact that I had killed or injured because of my carelessness
Driving is a very serious thing. Even if you are driving something like an ATV, a tractor, a RTV, a dirt bike, and even a motorcycles it’s easy to have a little fun. My dad is constantly reminding me to slow down. The loss of these three lives near our home has made me ponder the responsibility of driving.
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