Tuesday, February 25, 2014

When I Was A Kid......

For our blog post today, we decided to do something a little different than usual. Instead of having some wonderful wisdom or insight about teen issues, we decided that, for today at least, we'd just name off some crazy stories.

But the twist? They're all from our parents. (These are anonymous to protect the not-so-innocent)

In college, my mom shot candy bracelets at people studying in the library. - A

My dad was point guard on his high school basketball team, and they won the state championship. - A

My mom used to volunteer for the vice division of her local police department, and helped undercover officers bust liquor stores for selling to minors. -A

My dad's first car was a a 1969 Mach 1 Mustang, that he got for his 18th birthday. He traded it for a pick-up a year later. -A

My mom once won a best legs contest at a bar... when she was 16. -A

My dad once mooned a whole city block, and got away with it. -A

My mom lived around the corner from Chuck Norris's first martial arts school. She also met William Shatner at a polo match and David Hasslehoff at the beach. -A

My dad set a tractor on fire by accident once. -A

My mom went to a Catholic high school... and survived. -A

My dad and his friends once replaced Mt. Dew with cow urine to stop a bully who stole their Mt. Dews... it worked -A

So yeah, ask your parents about their crazy days, you never know what they might have done.


  1. My mom once road through a 4 1/2 foot, rushing river, on horse-back. Cool post!
